Joseph Farah On The Coming of Elijah
15 Nov![](
“What is Elijah going to do before Jesus returns?” Farah asks.
Paraphrasing Scripture, his answer is that Elijah will remind his generation about the Law of Moses, turning the hearts of children to their fathers and vice versa. However, that’s the watered-down version, because Scripture said to not only remember The Law, but to return to it.
Malachi 4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.
Elijah’s generation is warned to Return to the Law of Moses AND to God’s Statutes and Judgments. All these can be found in The Torah, the first five Books of The Bible, given to Moses by God.
Farah questioned why we would need to return to The Law, if the church teaches that the Law of Moses is dead. He questioned why would God bring it back again. His suggestion is, “just as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day perverted scripture by adding to the law, is it possible that today’s church has twisted scripture by subtracting from it and rendering irrelevant the commandments of God that define sin?”
His suggestion is correct; but partially. Let’s look at what Jesus said about the churches:
Matthew 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt NOT be as the hypocrites [ARE]: for they love to pray standing in the churches and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward (they wanted to be seen and they have been seen, so they already have the reward they wanted and therefore God will NOT answer them).
Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and WHEN THOU HAST SHUT THY DOOR, pray to thy Father IN PRIVATE; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly (by answering you).
Jesus indicates that God is not found in the churches, but is found within. He knew churches were corrupt and led, and still lead, people away from God, by adding to and subtracting from The Law. But it wasn’t just the churches; it was the government – and still is. The Pharisees were politicians. And what do politicians do – they add and subtract man-made legislation in direct defiance to The Law of God. We are looking at church and state – which will both be judged guilty (Enoch 58:1).
Deuteronomy 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
This is a direct, simple and concise command; yet, how many pieces of legislation do you live under that are in direct defiance of God’s Law? He created The Law so that His people would observe and do it – and this would ensure that no “body, or corporation, or organization, or beast-system” could enslave you.
The church should have been a community, or nation, loyal to God first. This is the first great commandment. So while our persuaded-politicians go along with the Opposer’s evil plans to turn the world into one big Sodom and Gomorrah, where every perversion is acceptable, you might want to remember and return to The Law, or burn.
It can’t get much simpler than that, as chapter four of Malachi begins:
Prophets have always been sent to warn us; but so far we’ve never really heeded their call. We forget that God always carries out The Sentence of The Law. A little time goes by, and God’s people stray and forget, until the Reminder comes. Then it’s hard for us to grasp, because our parents and grandparents didn’t burn – yet. “The world is bad, but we’ll be long gone before the destruction,” we tell ourselves.
Back to Farah’s article.
He writes that Jesus tells us something about Elijah when the scribes ask doesn’t Elijah come before the Messiah; and quoting scripture, Farah tells us Jesus said Elijah will come first to restore all things. Farah then asks us to consider that, “Elijah will restore all things.”
While this is scripturally true, Farah seems to have fallen for a lie that the churches teach, because he thinks that John the Baptist may have been Elijah, writing in the article, “Lo and behold, in the gospels, John The Baptist is directly compared by Jesus with Elijah.” The scripture actually reads Elias, who was the disciple of Elijah. This is an example of how following the churches will lead one astray.
Jesus verified that John was Elias/Elisha, and the one who appeared with Moses at the transfiguration:
Matthew 17:10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the lawyers that Elias must first come?
Matthew 17:11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
Matthew 17:12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them.
Matthew 17:13 Then the disciples understood that he spoke unto them of John the Baptist (Elias – Elisha NOT Elijah).
So, when the churches teach you that Elijah already came, question their blindness, or deceit. Elijah comes in the end times, as recorded in Malachi.
Farah suggests that we pay attention to what Elijah will do on his second coming. Again, “He will restore all things.” Then, Farah promotes his latest book The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and The End of Age. But is Farah another blind leader? Is it his book we need to read or is it The Torah, which contains God’s Law, Statutes and Judgements?
Let’s examine Malachi 4 again:
Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
Malachi 4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts.
If we fear God, and remember and return to The Law, our nation will be healed by Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, and we can grow up as calves in the stall under His care; and go forth to remove all wickedness from the Earth.
Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least COMMANDments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven.
Thus, any church teaching that The Law was cancelled is pretty low in God’s eyes. The only thing Jesus cancelled out was animal-sacrifice, which He replaced with daily sacrifice of the ego-SELF, meaning we should control our human-animal with our Spirit-Being, like He showed us.
Jesus came to fulfill (“fully preach” in the Greek translation) The Law – the one Jerusalem had forsaken, found in The Torah; and replacing it with the Talmud. He said it: Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of none effect by your Tradition (Talmud).
By Tradition, He meant The Talmud, which means “Traditions of Men”. This is clarified in the Gospel of Mark when the Pharisees/politicians and scribes/attorneys ask about the disciples eating without washing their hands, because it was the “Tradition of the elders” to do so.
Mark 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with [their] lips, but their heart is FAR from me.
Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.
Mark 7:8 For laying aside the COMMANDment of God, ye hold the “Tradition” of men, [as] the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
Mark 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the COMMANDment of God, that ye may keep your own “Tradition”.
Christians today still worship God in vain, because they abide by thousands of pieces of man-made doctrine/legislation; and have put The Commandments of God far from them. For example, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other branches of the Synagogue of Satan have seen to this – as they bully everyone into being politically-correct, instead of Lawfully-Abiding. No one heeds God’s Government; and He is going to annihilate their Satanic one. Churches continue to get congregations to follow their politicians by conveniently misinterpreting scripture again, by telling them to obey a higher power – political powers.
But our righteousness is not from any man-made political government which “crafts” legislation incessantly to feed the beast. We don’t need to follow self-righteous individuals thinking they are a law unto themselves, keeping their traditions alive. Our righteousness is The Law; and in keeping and doing it.
Deuteronomy 6:25 And IT shall be our righteousness, if we observe to DO all these Commandments before the “I AM” our God, as He hath COMMANDED us.
Jesus used “righteousness” similarly to The Law in Matthew 3:15 when talking to John the Baptist (Elias) before His baptism, “And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. Then he suffered him.” The Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Him, signified that He took back His mantle from Elias/Elisha.
We learn The Law by performing it; and following The Way of The King of Righteousness, as our Master, Teacher, Example, and Redeemer. He is the Sun of Righteousness; and He has a song for us to perform/sing that includes the Song of Moses.
Revelation 14:3 And they sung as it were a New Song (Isaiah 42:10) before the Throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that “Song” except the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were redeemed from the Earth.
Revelation 15:3 And they sing the “Song of Moses” (Old Covenant – Deut. 31) the servant of God, AND the “Song of the Lamb” (New Covenant), saying, Great and marvellous [are] Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true [are] Thy Ways, Thou King of the holy people.
Thus the New Song is the Song of Moses (The Law of Moses) and the Song of the Lamb, harmonized together. Now, you’ve got to ask yourself, “Do I want to perform it and survive” or be a fool.
Wisdom 18:27 A wise man will fear the Lord in every thing, and in the day of sinning he will beware of offence: but a fool will not observe time.
The article’s subtitle “Exclusive: Joseph Farah explains what we don’t know about prophet’s lineage” suggest that he has something to reveal, but his explanation falls short, reading more like a Wikipedia page.
What does Elijah The Tishbite mean? If you do an Internet research, websites will regurgitate each other with the “accepted” meaning or meanings. But you could be misled. The “accepted” meaning of “Jesus of Nazareth” is that he was from Nazareth. He can’t have been from a place that didn’t exist until after his ascension, as it was built in the 4th century A.D. “Nazir” simply means TRUTH. Jesus was Truth.
As far as Elijah The Tishbite goes, the Wikipedia version explains that either that he was from a town with a similar spelling or that Tishbite means “to dwell”. Thus, Elijah could have been a sojourner, as Farah points out.
An explanation found on an Internet forum suggests a deeper meaning. The author wrote, “תשבי” Tishbite, begins with the root word “שב” and means “to return”. Adding a yod to the end makes it plural and becomes the word “שבי” meaning “to dwell”. With the preposition tav the word becomes “He shall return to dwell”. This definition makes more sense in the context. The word Elijah is a compound of the words “El & Ya” meaning “My G-d is YHVH”. The passage then reads “Elijah the Tishbite” or “G-d is YHVH, He shall return to dwell”.
Because he could have been a sojourner, some claim he could have been a gentile. It is more likely that given his status as God’s chosen prophet at the time, Elijah was a Levite. Levites were not given land, because God said He would be their inheritance (Deut. 10:9). Levites dwelled in Israelite lands and were sheltered and fed by them.
Joshua 14:4 For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim (Israel): therefore they gave no part unto the Levites in the land, save cities to dwell [in], with their suburbs for their cattle and for their substance.
Before traveling to Samaria to warn king Ahab and Jezebel, as a Levite, Elijah could have dwelled freely in Gilead, land identified with the tribes of Manasseh, Gad and Rueben. Elijah then dwelled by the brook Cherith, near Jordan; dwelled with the widow in Zarephath, which belonged to Zidon; and returned to Samaria again to challenge 850 false prophets. His mission took him to many places like Beersheba, Mount Horeb, Damascus, Bethel, and Jericho.
Elijah literally received his inheritance when he was “taken” to dwell with God (2 Kings 2:11). Remember Levi’s portion of inheritance?
Deut. 10:9 Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; the “I AM” [is] his inheritance, according as the “I AM” thy God promised him.
Elijah was taken by an identified flying object in the sky, which they called a chariot of fire.
2 Kings 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, [there appeared] a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
But Elijah was prophesied to return and dwell among us again, aligning more with the forum’s explanation of what Tishbite means –“God is Yahweh and He shall return to dwell”.
In fact, Christ is also prophesied to dwell with us again.
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